Beltrami, Xor Run for Wizard in April Fool’s Prank
Beltrami, former Mayor, announced her candidacy for Wizard as well as an election to select a new all-powerful character for our community. The announcement, coming on April 1, was described as “the headslap heard around the muck” given the proximity of the announcement to the close of Love Day balloting and lingering hurt feelings from the Mayoral Campaign so recently concluded. Xor, quasi-digital creature of many forms, joined in with a candidacy proclamation later in the day.
That the announcement was made the 1st of April raised immediate suspicions that the announcement was an April Fool’s prank, and Xor’s announcement included the disclaimer that he feared he was making a fool of himself in so doing. However, Beltrami campaigned with promotional buttons and such, as with her first mayoral campaign, and it was after all just such a self-proclaimed election which inaugurated the office of Mayor in 2007.
Morticon had earlier in the day announced the Recording Industry Association of America had sent an angrily worded document protesting the community’s habit of sharing links to music and videos, and that the wizards were evaluating their response.
Beltrami’s campaign was, of course, another April Fool’s prank. The current wizards have no particular plans to add another wizard to the corps, and have no interest in adding one as the result of a popular vote as the position is regarded as an out-of-character administrative one, unlike the mayoralty or other civic groups. Xor took some of the work he had begun for his campaign and turned it into the first of a set of guides to aid new players, which it happens is the sort of self-created community service wizards look for in people hoping to take on new administrative positions.
The short-lived campaign for wizardships was largely received warmly, although Ba’ar noted his distaste for electing anyone to take Findra’s place. The roles wizards serve are not rigidly defined, however, and were there to be a new wizard selected, the responsibilities of that hypothetical new wizard would be determined by the relationships of all the wizards, their strengths and interests, and the needs the community has at the time.
In an unrelated prank, BunnyHugger lent to Chitter her precious P bit during the anniversary and engagement party held by BunnyHugger and Austin on February 29. This switch was an observance of the party’s theme, “inversions of custom,” chosen as a reflection of the old Leap Day tradition of women proposing marriage to men. It should be noted Chitter holds no believe in the existence of Players, and considers it all varied shades of mad talk to be tolerated because BunnyHugger is not typically endangered when speaking about them.