Cat Ties Elastic Coati ’round the Old Oak Tree
On November 14, an uneasy calm fell upon the Rose Garden. However, this was quickly broken as local Jellicle cat PatchO’Black’s cat basket landed, Patchy jumped out… and started chasing local elastic coati Austin Dern! A startled Dern started running away from the mewing feline around the garden, finally leaping up into the branches of the Ancient Oak, his body wrapping itself around the tree several times.
Local concerned skunktaur Garrison leaped into the situation to help control the conflict… and ended up hanging from the coati’s tail. She could be heard saying “I didn’t really think this through.” However her efforts were for naught, as Patchy stopped his fierce mewing to ponder “Wait…are cats supposed to chase coatis?” Fellow cat Claude figured, “Whatever’s fun I guess.” The event ended as quickly as it begain, as Patchy then went off to do assorted Jellicle tasks, while a shaking coati peered down at him, a bit unsure of what just happenend, and why a six inch tall skunktaur was hanging from his tail.